Quick Summer Meals

quick summer dinner

Savory BLT sandwiches, sliced cantaloupe, and crispy corn on the cob–what a great combo. I threw together this quick summer meal after a visit to the farmer’s market and it was so easy and delicious that I just have to share. I purchased everything pictured here–except the bread and mayo–at a local farmer’s market. Everything was freshly picked and organic. Even the bacon came from a local farmer. I like supporting local food producers, I like serving healthy meals to my family, and I like the friendly folks I meet at open air markets. Trips to the farmer’s markets are one of the pleasures of summer. Summertime and the livin’ is easy….

Farmer’s Market Goodies

I went shopping at the farmer’s market again yesterday. It was a great day to be outside. The weather was gorgeous. The air was cool and crisp–just the way I like it. And  look at all the fabulous goodies I bought. Since there’s only one week left to shop before the market closes for the season, I stocked up on all the fresh goodness I could carry home. I’ve got lots of cooking to do this week.

For just $20.00 I bought two types of apples, green peppers, cherry tomatoes, eggplant, kale, jalapeno peppers, tiny white potatoes, and sweet potatoes. What a deal! I also bought farm fresh eggs, home-made applesauce and apple butter, barbequed chicken, and plenty of pulled pork and barbequed beef brisket to stock my freezer so I can enjoy it over the coming winter months.

I’m going to miss my weekly trips to the farmer’s market and all the people I met there this summer. I’ve grown so fond of all of them. See you next spring.

Work in Progress–Parrot Tulips

I went to the farmer’s market this morning and followed that up with a visit to a quaint Amish store called The Farmer’s Wife plus a quick stop at a local Mexican shop called Cinco de Mayo to pick up some goodies to get us through the week. I love living in a small, rural area. Everyone calls me by name when I enter their shops and we chat for a few minutes and catch up on what’s going on around town.

I spent the remainder of the afternoon working on a new painting but had to stop at sunset when the shadows got so intense that it was difficult to see my sketch on the paper. That’s normally the time when I grab my camera and snap a few pictures to post on my blog. I love how vibrant the colors look in the strong afternoon light.

I hope you did something equally relaxing and enjoyable this weekend. Watercolors on cold pressed Acquarello Artistico paper by Fabriano.

Yumminess from the Farmer’s Market

I went shopping at the farmer’s market yesterday–one of my favorite things to do–and brought home these beautiful fresh fruits and vegetables. I’m going to be eating good this week.

I plan to make stuffed green peppers with these beauties.

And a batch of eggplant Parmesan with these babies.

I also picked up some cherry pie filling, cherry jam, blackberry jam, and some enormous fresh blackberries. I’ll throw some sugar over the blackberries plus a tablespoon or two of blackberry jam for extra goodness, spoon them over biscuits or sponge cake, and top them with whipped cream. If you haven’t tried blackberry shortcake, give it a try. It’s a real treat.

I also picked up some pulled pork, sausages and peppers, homemade banana bread,  blueberry muffins, fresh eggs in a rainbow of colors, and hand-made soap. You can’t find goodies like this in the grocery store. If you have a farmer’s market in your area and haven’t given it a try yet, what are you waiting for?