
Photo of Me with Lighter Background

Hi, I’m Jill. Thanks for stopping by. I’m a Zazzle product designer, watercolorist, interior design enthusiast, gardener, and cook. I’m on a quest to make the world a more colorful place, and I’m documenting my progress on this blog. You’ll find inspiration, home decor ideas, personalized gifts for family and friends, plus plenty of good things to eat! I hope you’ll follow along.

Here are a few snippets about me:

  • I’m a professional graphic artist with 20+ years of experience. Over the past several years, I’ve been learning how to paint with watercolors. It’s more challenging than I thought, but it’s fun and relaxing. I hope my posts here will encourage you to give watercolor painting a try.
  • I first became interested in art when I was nine years old, when I tried to emulate my father’s art. He used to sit at the kitchen table and draw pictures for me. I’d ask him to draw dogs (my absolute favorite subject). I’d name a breed of dog, and he’d do his best to draw it for me. One evening I asked him to draw a beagle. Instead, he drew a bugle with a beagle’s head coming out of one end of the trumpet and a tail coming out of the other end. I giggled and said, “Dad, I asked you to draw a beagle, NOT a bugle!” He was a dog lover, too. I miss him.
  • My sixth grade teacher, thought I had talent so he encouraged me to pursue art as a career. I took his advice and became a graphic artist.
  • I’m a huge animal lover. I currently have three dogs, six horses, and a cat. I used to volunteer at a local animal rescue. My three dogs and cat used to be homeless. Now they are loved and cherished beyond measure. You’ll see lots of photos of them throughout this blog. If you’re thinking about adding a pet to your family, I hope you will visit your local shelter or pet rescue first. There are so many homeless animals in need of loving homes.
  • I’m one of seven children. I have five brothers and one sister. We are a close-knit group of siblings and we love spending time together. Check out photos of our family paint-a-thons here and here.
  • My daughter is my best friend. I’m blessed to have her in my life. I love our evening painting sessions and sharing her work on my blog. Check out her awesome artwork here and here.
  • I’m an introvert and a homebody at heart. There’s nothing I like better than creating a beautiful home environment for my family. I’m a seasoned DIYer and enjoy tweaking my indoor and outdoor spaces to reflect my own unique style. Check out my home tour here.

If you have any questions, want to inquire about my work, or partner with me, email me here:

Copyright Notice:

All of the artwork, photography, and content on this blog are protected under US Copyright Law and may not be reproduced or used without express written consent from the blog owner. To obtain permission or for licensing information email afternoonartist@gmail.com.

26 thoughts on “About

  1. Thank you for following our blog and liking my wine-related post, Jill: much appreciated!
    You have a very nice blog and make very tasteful, dreamy illustrations: good job!
    Take care

  2. Hi Jill. I do apologize! It took me so long to get back to you. I owe you a reply about my suggestion how to cook your mushroom fettuccine. I thought about it and that’s how I would cook them. Put some butter and some shallot in a big skillet and cook until the shallot softens. In non-stick pot, put some heavy cream, a pinch of salt, ground black pepper and nutmeg (to taste) and, when the cream is hot, add shredded cheese (preferably fontina) and whisk until you obtain a creamy mixture. Cook the fettuccine al dente, drain them, put them in the skillet and toss to coat. Add the hot cheese sauce and toss to coat.
    Put the fettuccine into the serving plates and dust the top of each plate with grated Parmesan cheese and some freshly minced parsley.
    Hope this help. Xx

  3. Hi Jill~ Just stopping by to thank you for the likes on my posts! What a nice surprise this morning to find the notifications in my email box! Happy Easter. Have a magical day!

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